
Be ready to live this unique experience and row your way out of your comfort zone!

Welcome to RowFit™

Complete full body workout - Rowing intervals & physical exercises

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Hybrid approach

We do the workout outside when the weather is favorable or use the Boat House when it's not. During this season, we prioritize indoors.


It is important to arrive 15 min before the class in order to show you the rowing movement, check if you have any previous injurie/s.

Please click HERE if you want to access our library and understand some details concerning the rowing mouvement before joining the class. 

See Rowfit in Action

No contract fees. Pay as you go.


workout picture

We teach in French and English. Book your class online.

Low impact

Full body workout

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Complete workout: we combine rowing using 70% of the muscles & complementary physical exercises focused on improving your rowing performance. RowFit is easy on the joints. 


Learn the best rowing tecnique

All levels


We train in a unique team atmosphere and we teach the correct technique for each exercise. We also show all the necessary modifications.